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Red Jasper Tree | 20 Chips

Red Jasper Tree | 20 Chips

Original price was: ₹399.00.Current price is: ₹149.00.

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Embrace the invigorating strength of our captivating Red Jasper Tree. 🌳💪 Crafted with precision, each vibrant leaf exudes powerful grounding and protective energies. Place it in your living space’s heart to fortify your surroundings with resilience and stability. This tree is not just a stunning addition but a symbol of inner strength and vitality. Elevate your ambiance—bring home our exquisite Red Jasper Tree and let the empowering energy of nature’s strength flourish in your life. 🛍️🔴




Red Jasper







  • Grounding Energy: Infuses the space with grounding vibes, promoting stability and a sense of security.
  • Vitality Boost: Enhances personal strength and vitality, fostering a resilient and empowered mindset.
  • Protective Shield: Acts as a protective talisman, shielding against negative energies and promoting a sense of safety.
  • Emotional Stability: Supports emotional balance, helping to calm and center turbulent emotions.
  • Decorative Strength: Doubles as a visually appealing decor piece, adding a touch of strength and resilience to any space.

GIFT – Valentine, Birthday, Anniversary, Christmas, Friendship Day, Diwali, Gifts For Family and Friends.

  1. Placement: Position the Red Jasper Tree in areas associated with grounding and vitality, such as the central part of your home or any room you spend a significant amount of time.
  2. Altar or Central Location: Ideally, place it on an altar or in the center of a room to radiate its grounding energies throughout the space.
  3. Intent: Hold the tree in your hands and set positive intentions for grounding, strength, and vitality. Focus on stability and protection.
  4. Sacred Days: While there’s no specific day mandated, consider placing or energizing the tree on days when you need an extra boost of strength and stability.
  5. Regular Cleansing: Periodically cleanse the Red Jasper Tree with earth elements like soil or by placing it under moonlight to maintain its grounding and protective energy.
By placing the Red Jasper Tree in central areas and infusing it with positive intentions, you enhance the atmosphere with grounding, strength, and protective energies. The choice of specific days can add an extra layer of positive energy alignment.
Disclaimer: Our products, including healing crystals, healing crystal bracelets, crystal trees, and related items, support well-being through energy work and are not substitutes for medical advice or treatment. Consult a healthcare provider for serious health issues. Individual results may vary. Use responsibly and be aware of any allergies or sensitivities.
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