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Study Crystal Bracelet

Study Crystal Bracelet

Original price was: ₹1,100.00.Current price is: ₹649.00.

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Item Details

Introducing our Study Crystal Bracelet, a potent aid designed to optimize focus, concentration, and mental clarity during study sessions. Crafted with precision and intention, each carefully selected crystal in this bracelet harnesses unique energies to enhance cognitive function and support academic success.

Whether you’re preparing for exams, tackling challenging assignments, or delving into research projects, our Study Crystal Bracelet is your companion for peak mental performance. With regular wear, you can experience heightened mental alertness, improved memory retention, and enhanced problem-solving abilities.

Embrace the power of crystal healing as you embark on your academic journey. Let our Study Crystal Bracelet be your ally in unlocking your full intellectual potential and achieving academic excellence.

Elevate your study sessions and stay ahead of the curve with our Study Crystal Bracelet today.






Amethyst, Black Obsidian, Clear Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz





Select Bracelet Size

Child, Teen, Toddler, Medium, Large

  • This powerful bracelet combines the energy of carefully chosen crystals to help you excel in your studies:
    • Sharpened Focus & Concentration: Certain crystals, like Fluorite and Sodalite, are believed to enhance mental clarity and focus, allowing you to absorb information more effectively and stay on track during study sessions.
    • Improved Memory & Retention: Some stones, like Agate and Amethyst, are known to support memory function and information retention. They may help you recall details more easily and solidify your learning.
    • Enhanced Motivation & Drive: Crystals like Citrine and Tiger’s Eye are said to boost motivation and willpower. They can help you overcome procrastination and stay inspired to achieve your academic goals.
    • Reduced Stress & Anxiety: Amethyst and Lepidolite are known for their calming properties. They can help ease test anxiety and create a more peaceful mindset conducive to focused learning.
    • Increased Creativity & Problem-Solving: Stones like Fluorite and Howlite are believed to stimulate creative thinking and problem-solving skills. This can be especially helpful when tackling complex academic challenges.
Calming Crystals Bracelet is a powerful tool to help you manage anger and find inner peace. Here’s how to unlock its full potential: Setting Your Intention:
  1. Find a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and center yourself.
  2. Hold the bracelet in your hands. Close your eyes and visualize yourself feeling calm, peaceful, and in control of your emotions.
  3. Set your intention. Silently repeat a positive affirmation like “I am calm and centered” or “I release anger and embrace inner peace” while focusing on the feeling.
Wearing Your Bracelet:
  • Wear your bracelet on your dominant or non-dominant wrist, whichever feels most comfortable for you.
  • It’s recommended to wear your bracelet throughout the day, but you can remove it at night if preferred.
Cleansing and Charging: To maintain the bracelet’s energetic properties, it’s important to cleanse and charge it regularly. Here are a few methods:
  • Smudging: For a complete cleansing ritual, we recommend using a smudge stick. Gently pass the bracelet through cleansing smoke from sage or palo santo.
  • Moonbathing: Place your bracelet under the light of a full or new moon for several hours.
  • Sunbathing: (Use caution with some crystals that can fade in sunlight) Briefly expose your bracelet to the morning sun for a refreshing cleanse.
  • Selenite Charging: Selenite is a powerful cleansing crystal. Place your bracelet on a Selenite charging tray overnight to clear negativity and amplify its calming energy.
Additional Tips:
  • When you feel anger rising, hold the bracelet and take a few deep breaths, focusing on your intention for calmness.
  • Combine wearing the bracelet with other calming practices such as meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature.
  • Trust the process! It may take some time to experience the full benefits of the crystals.
Disclaimer: Our products, including healing crystals, healing crystal bracelets, crystal trees, and related items, support well-being through energy work and are not substitutes for medical advice or treatment. Consult a healthcare provider for serious health issues. Individual results may vary. Use responsibly and be aware of any allergies or sensitivities.

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